This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia (PACGA) events.

The Prosecuting Attorney's Council of Georgia and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council presents: Family Violence Training 2023.

From 2003 through 2016, at least 1671 Georgia Citizens lost their lives due to Domestic Violence. Georgia ranks 8th in the nation for the rate at which men kill women in single-victim, domestic violence-related murders. Firearms were the leading weapon of choice by batterers. In over 41% of the cases, children were present during the domestic violence homicide. Successfully investigating and prosecuting Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault cases requires that law enforcement, victims' advocates and prosecutors work, train and learn together.

This FREE program is specifically designed to bring together police officers, victims' advocates, and prosecutors in your area to learn and discuss the latest strategies and techniques for investigating and prosecuting Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault related offenses that occur in your jurisdiction. You will also earn 5 CLE, POST or Victims' Advocate hours.

You must be registered in order to attend the training.

Training sessions may include:

Evidence Based Prosecution

Forensic Interviews or Sexual Assault Investigations

Hearsay Exceptions or Criminal Protective Order

Report Writing


The only reimbursements that will be offered are to staff of the District Attorneys' Offices if their DA approves of the travel.

Please note: any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against this premises owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings, except for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm, by the individual or entity of the premises.

Please read our No Show Policy here.

Contact Sallie Nowell with the training team at with questions. Thank you!


Augusta-Richmond County Public Library
Telfair Street 823
Augusta, Georgia

Main Auditorium

See route

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