Event Details
About This Workshop
In the modern age's fast-paced, technology-driven work environment, being busy has become the default mode of operation. Being busy is now a substitute for being effective. Checking items off our to-do lists has replaced genuine accomplishment. We fight fires by default even though we know that fire prevention is a better strategy. Our agencies and our careers get stuck in doing what we've always done instead of imagining what might be.
Effective leaders do not participate in the rat race. They understand how to set clear priorities and develop processes for achieving important results. Effective leaders live by design, not by default. Effective leaders have more to offer their organizations and the people in them.
Learning Objectives
- Why to-do lists are poor tools
- Why setting goals doesn't work for most people and what to do instead
- Why your daily habits are the best indicator of your success
- Why good habits are difficult to form, and bad habits are hard to break
- How to develop a healthy relationship with technology
- How to identify your priorities and organize your life around them
- The natural law that is critical to your personal effectiveness
- The one skill that improves all others
- Countless strategies to take control of your time and gain control of your life
This workshop is approved for 6 POST and CLEs Credit.
Reimbursement of attendees is based on the availability of state funds for that purpose. For District Attorney personnel, reimbursements come out of the approved travel budget for the Judicial Circuit. Employees of Solicitors-General offices are eligible for up to $500 reimbursement per Fiscal year. Employees of other agencies are not eligible for reimbursement by PAC. PAC does not reimburse registration fees. Please review the reimbursement policy here.
You are responsible for your own lodging. The suggested lodging list is located under the Documents tab listed above. No meals are provided by PAC.
Registration Fee
Due to limited seating, we are requiring that all registration payments be paid in full by Friday, November 3rd, 2023 at 12PM. If your registration fee is not paid by this date, your registration will be canceled. The registration fee is $50 per attendee. In addition, we will not be processing any refunds after Friday, November 3rd, 2023 at 12PM.
Please email us at training@pacga.org or give us a call with questions. Thank you!