This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia (PACGA) events.
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Save the dateFebruary 21 - 24, 2023 (EST)
Event Details
Event Details

Calling ALL webinar enthusiasts! You asked… we listened. We are extremely excited to announce our Webinar Week. You read that sentence right… webinars for a full week! Join us as we dive into a different topic each day from Tuesday to Friday morning, 9:00am - 12:00pm.

We will be offering a full 12 CLE credits, including Professionalism and Ethics! For Law Enforcement and Advocates, we will offer POST/ADVO credits as well. (Please note, not all webinars will offer POST/ADVO credits.) Check out the Agenda under the 'Documents' tab!

You are not required to attend every session, but you can only receive credits for what you attend. For CLEs, recordings of the sessions will be available for 21 days after February 24th. Friendly reminder, CLEs are only available for up to 21 days after the date of the training. POST credits are only available if the session was attended as the presentation was presented live.

PAC's Webinar Week will be taking place from February 21st through the 24th, 2023. You will use the same Zoom Link each morning to access the webinar. The password is Pac@2023.

We look forward to this virtual conference and as always, we are here for you!