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Tuesday, November 14, 2023 (9:00 AM - 4:15 PM) (EST)

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Tift County 911 Building

316 West 2nd Street
Tifton, Georgia

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Event Details

What do you know about gang cases? At the Gangs & Organized Crime 101 Training, the basic elements of building a gang case will be covered, with in-depth analysis of the relevant statutes and application to charging decisions. How to establish the "nexus" element required to have a successful prosecution will be covered during the class. Discussions will be held on challenges in building a gang case and how to respond to said challenges that arise in a gang case along with different charging strategies available with the gang statute.

Lastly, the afternoon is spent going over challenges in the investigation side of the case and how to solve them along with basic gang recognition signs and symbols.

This class is open to Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officers and offers up to 5 CLE/POST credits. Come join us for an informative and important training on the issues of gangs in Georgia! To register, click the red registration button above.
